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(L12) DELL Inspiron(15)  Laptop - [ Shipping & Delivery ]   Regular Price -  $499.99
Features - Laptop System [ Refurbished ]
Brand name - DELL  Laptop - [ 32 Bit  compatibility ]
Processor - INTEL Core 2 Duo Processor 1.8 Ghz to  2.16 Ghz
Memory - 4 Gigabytes RAM
Hard Drive - 250 Gigaytes Hard Drive
Software - Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, AntiVirus Software
Drives - <   CD-RW / DVD Drive  >
Ports - USB, COM(1), LPT(1) etc, etc
Oper. System - Linux Operating System
Display - 11.6  inches High Definition Display
Software - Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe Reader, AntiVirus, etc.

Sale Price is  $459.99  + ( Shipping cost / Delivery Cost )
The Sale price of $459.99 expires October 31, 2020
Special Instructions
There will be either a  Shipping cost of $15.00 per Laptop, Insurance and Packaging for all other cities within the U.S is $35.00.  For all local deliveries to Tampa, St.Pete / Clearwater is $12.50 St.Pete/ClearWater  or Lakeland is $25.00, all other cities will see deliveries calculated based on the miles to the point of delivery. You will automatically be billed for delivery,
Debit/Credit card payments are processed within 1 - 2 work days, and the laptoptop(s) delivered after payments are received. [ All Laptops will be delivered 1 to 2 work day(s) after total payments are received ]

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(L12) - DELL Inspiron 15 [$459.99]

$499.99 Regular Price
$459.99Sale Price
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